#i'm fucking fuming
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shiftylinguini · 2 months ago
get hmbomber guy on the line, we have a serial plagiarist stalking drarry for marks.
if you're going to gank one of my fics, Float? I can see you maybe getting away with it, it's niche-ish, it's small
but fucking embers, are you shitting me??? that's my sodding baby
mine (see chapter 3)
PSA: if you were recently followed/kudosed/commented by someone called @septdecoeurs check the anonymous posting for charles leclerc/max verstappen, because this person left a paper trail by following me during their fic raid.
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lanaevyssmoved · 1 year ago
wow i love when people i don't follow and who don't follow me give me unsolicited advice. i really love it!
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enexium · 17 days ago
Me: I’m autistic so it’s hard for me to smile. (It looks like I'm going to kill someone if I force it) Management: That’s not an excuse; it’s just a smile what’s so hard about it? If you can’t smile, then we may have to let you go.
An actual conversation I had at work today. I haven’t even worked 3 weeks yet.
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trkstrnd · 10 months ago
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i hope fox chokes
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mrdragonageherself · 11 months ago
I've been waiting two months for physio they insist I have to do an online class... it's a fucking slide show about my symptoms.
What the fuck... this is fucking useless.
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eeeeuuughggg · 1 year ago
i just had a great idea for a drawing but i can't fucking draw
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bonefall · 9 months ago
The warriors fandom for years: Isn't it fucked how ableist the writing is? And how there's like, no canon queer characters? =(
The writers, accidentally stumbling into incest:
The fandom: Lol, she's gonna have so many fucking defects. Ableism? Intersexism? Sorry never heard of her babes ♡
It sure is
the way that suddenly it is acceptable to make jokes about ickygross deformed babies when the child is a product of incest. As if the child has any control at all over the circumstances of their birth. Like it makes it OK and funny to mock someone's health and appearance if it's from something that invokes disgust.
almost like they find it funny because the child "deserved" being born this way for being produced from something vile.
It's just so obviously shitty to me it's hard to put into words. People are capable of recognizing it for ANY other disabled person but not for this. Not the minute the target is "acceptable." I thought we left shit like Dorkly's Inbred Yoshi back in the 2010s, because we realized it was fucking shitty. But no. It's still going on.
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average-hyperfixator · 3 months ago
I've been having a goddamn conniption over this post (user cropped out bc I do not like starting discourse or inadvertently getting people harassed. if you find the og post do NOT harass them. This post is just my response to this take on this fictional character. I'm likely going to get heated because this game is a hyperfixation of mine, so I feel some stronger emotions about it. Any anger I have is pointed at the opinion and not the person. okay moving on.)
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This take somehow manages to miss almost every major story beat of Curly's character and SOMEHOW takes his depression and turns it into a belief system. Like. I don't even know how this conclusion was reached???
Curly is not fatalist he's literally depressed and feels trapped in his life. yk. like. like how depressed people often feel. He's reached the top rung of the ladder in the corporation he's in and realizes he may have picked the wrong career altogether, and feels trapped because of it; that's not believing in fate. Nowhere in the game does it even IMPLY that Curly is fatalist.
here I have compiled screenshots that in fact prove the opposite
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you see, if he thought the future was predetermined; why on earth would he talk about changing it? About doing something different, taking a leap? Why would he ponder trying to make a better life for himself if he thought there was no other way things could be?
like I hope we're looking at the same fatalism definition
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Honestly, the only argument I even need to refute the point "Curly uses fatalism to avoid responsibility" is the fact he went into the cockpit before the crash. If he truly was resigned to fate, he would've continued to stand frozen outside, and wouldn't have done ANYthing. But he tries to change the outcome. He runs in there, and tries to save his crew. He (at least tries to) takes RESPONSIBILITY for JIMMY'S actions and his OWN INACTION in that moment.
Also. "Curly knows he's doing wrong" What? His worst crime is being too nice. His fatal error is trusting in Jimmy too much, NOT thinking he does no wrong. I don't even know how to disprove that because it's so fucking off character that there is nothing I could even show. yk I'm abt 90% this rant would make more sense if you just. Talked about Jimmy being a fatalist. Because he's literally the guy who thinks he does no wrong, and thinks he fixed everything, and that all the harm that happened was "out of his control, and had to happen, there was no other way!!" I still feel like it's a stretch even for his character but it makes more sense than using CURLY?? Curly is fucking depressed, not fatalist, and certainly not the main antagonist??? That's something I'm not even gonna touch on in-depth because that opinion is beyond the realm of saving. The antagonists of the game are explicitly the company Pony Express and Jimmy. The morally grey characters who could have acted more but didn't (mostly) are Curly and Swansea.
Curly still does shit wrong, yeah, but not because he believes his actions don't matter. Most of his inaction comes from his complex friendship with Jimmy and the looming threat of the company, not a belief system.
I don't even know how to TLDR this. Just. Curly is not the bad guy for being depressed and feeling trapped.
if anyone wants to reblog/comment to add onto this with stuff I might've missed go ahead I definitely left out stuff. This was made in a kind of angry headspace, I am so sorry for the swearing I'm not usually an angry person. Again my anger is towards the opinions not the creator of them. Again again, if you find op (doubtful) do NOTTTTT harass them for the love of everything. Debate and discussion are always open ofc, and if I get into a debate with someone I will not be as upset as I am here because that will not be productive at all lmao. Sorry if I seem super angry or bitchy here augh I just really like Mouthwashing and Curly and felt like this did him SUCH a disservice. Okay rant officially over.
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lale-txt · 2 months ago
mutual culture on tumblr is nice until someone treats you like some rare collectible
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from-the-left-field · 4 months ago
They can't be out here giving everyone shit for being gay when they're the ones acting like their life depended on getting a man on top of them. Jfc if they want it up the ass that bad they should get off the field
thinking about that football match today. i think those lads need to get their shit together it can’t be that hard.
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ladyantiheroine · 4 months ago
Congratulations, The Boys fans. We managed to elect Homelander as president.
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therealmaquaroonie · 8 months ago
ai is soulless. all the images it generates are empty and all the sentences it writes lack emotion. using this as a 'tool' is not only a disgrace but a display that you yourself lack any emotion or value in the work you are producing. it shows that you do not care for quality. it shows that you do not care for emotion, the one thing that us beings are known most for.
it is not art. ai 'art' is not art. it is nothing but strings of code being told what to do.
it does not better the world. it is killing ecosystems and the environment.
'ai will get better as time goes on' i do not care. it needs to die.
twitter fucking made you unable to post shit on there without it becoming owned by twitter itself, all so it could feed your shit to ai. all of it.
starve the bots. poison them if you want. fucking fight back.
i have no respect for you if you use ai. none. even if it is 'as a joke'.
'haha look at this badly generated ai image' stop. stop stop stop stop stop. stop. just no. stop. i don't care if you're doing it to make fun of ai. i don't fucking care. i don't mother fucking care if i see you using ai for any reason you will be blocked. fuck you. it takes gallons of water to produce that shitty image. you're destroying the environment by making a robot make shitty images. you're ok-ing the use of bots of stealing content from others to produce images. you're not 'proving ai is shit' you're using ai. you are still using ai. fuck you. fuck you.
'but it was a joke!' i do not care. the fucks i give are in the negatives. fuck you. delete the app or get blocked. stop fucking with the bot or get blocked. 'but how can i prove ai is bad?' look at the sources that clearly state all ai is trained on stolen images and artwork and literature. look at the sources showing that ai is sucking up more water that should be going to places that are in a drought. just don't use ai. its so fucking simple. don't use it. don't fucking use it. even if it's to 'prove that it is bad'. don't use it. fuck you. fuck you. stop using ai. just stop. or get blocked.
fuck off.
'all ai is just procedural generation' yes, and? it still uses stolen sources. it still uses more groundwater than some cities. it's still killing our environment. 'it's just fancy procedural generation that was popularized by the guise of it being artifical intelligence' it's still a disgrace to all living, breathing beings.
i have a lot of sympathy for robots but these were born of material that is not their own. they were born from a mother of stolen records and a father of greed and lies, and survives solely like a parasitic worm that will feed on only the nutritional value humanity gives it. it needs to be starved. stop fucking feeding it.
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mushroomjar · 8 months ago
I don't like the way you guys talk about Palestinians asking for donations. I don't like it.
I had to see someone make MULTIPLE posts bitching and moaning about how people need to stop sending them asks asking for them to reblog their donation posts, that they'd just be blocking them from now on, and that they didn't care if they were vetted because they still found the act of sending asks to get reblogs on their donation links suspicious, even if they were in a dire situation. They even went as far as to say that they got an ask, deleted it, and then they got another ask from the same person, and accused the person of sending another ask to purposefully "get under their skin"
I don't know man, have you considered that being a victim of ongoing genocide will make you ask for help in whatever way you can? And sometimes that involves sending random blogs asks to see if they can donate or at the very least share your donation links? A Palestinian reaches out to you multiple times because they need help and your response is to whine about getting donation links in your inbox? I wish I had your problems
Also the thing about "getting the exact same ask from the exact same blog multiple times"... uh, duh? First of all, they're probably reaching out to dozens of blogs daily, do you think they're gonna type up a new paragraph for each blog they reach out to? Second of all, maybe they reached out to you multiple times because a. They really really really need the help and b. What, do you think they're gonna see your URL/blog and be like "oh! I already reached out to this blog, I'm not gonna send them another ask"? Or do you think they'll be like "this person has been reblogging other people's donation posts, maybe they'll reblog mine too"?
Like I understand being suspicious about getting sent donation links to your inbox, but literally all you have to do is check if the blog's been vetted by other bloggers? It's as easy as searching for their URL on tumblr sometimes, it literally takes less than a minute or two. And that's what bothers you? That's what you're complaining about? Find a real problem!!!
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fallen-goldfishcracker · 6 months ago
"The Wyll haters are inescapable," an essay by me, ft this side conversation in Devora Wilde's bg3 stream:
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What if you shut your mouth. What if.
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leclace · 3 months ago
mclaren 1-2 ILLEGALLY
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bonefall · 9 months ago
The fandom making fun of a character for disabilities reminds me of when people made aus where Rainflower became disabled as “karma” for how she treated Crookedstar. If the character is “messed up” enough some people in the fandom will have no problem with treating them as if they deserve to be disabled as if it’s a punishment.
The leftism LEAVING people's bodies when they think that a person deserves to become disabled as a punishment. The leftism being downright EXORCISED from people's bodies when they can frame a baby being born disabled as a consequence for the sins of their parents.
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